ASADSC completed the rehabilitation of 4 health facilities in (Al-Ghajar Health Unit and Al-Khawalid Unit in Saqain District, the Health Unit in Al-Maqbab in the Al-Safra District, and the Health Unit in Hamaz, Ghamer District- Saada Governorate. Through a complete renovation of all its buildings, building concrete water tanks, adding some other accessories and providing solar energy systems, which will inevitably contribute to enhancing the ability of health teams to provide their medical services and face the Corona epidemic with the support of the childhood organization UNICEF – 16,310 people benefit from it.
The Association has completed the procedures for nomination for public tenders regarding the rehabilitation of 6 other health facilities in the districts of Baqim, Qatabir, Majz and Munabih.
These projects will mainly contribute to alleviating the suffering of patients and contribute to facing COVID-19, in addition to the positive impact on the socio-economic status of the population.