– Project name: Improving WASH Services and Practices in Munabih, Haydan and Razeh Districts.
Implementation period: June 2019 – December 2020.
Project implementation sites: Directorates (Haydan, Muanbih, Razih, Qataber, Baqim, Majz, Saqin, Al-Safra and Ghamr) – Saada Governorate.
The funder / supporter: The Childhood Organization – UNICEF
- Total number of beneficiaries of project activities: 129,820 people, as follows:
The number of beneficiaries Men women Children (boys) Children (girls) Total number of beneficiaries المياه water
2,813 2,952 3,887 4,053 13,705 الصرف الصحي Environmental sanitation
7,047 7,223 1,576 1,644 5,700 الصحة Health
7,057 7,333 10,403 10,832 35,505 التوعية المجتمعية C4D
20,363 14,770 22,809 16,968 74,910 الإجمالي Total
37,280 32,278 38,675 33,497 129,820
Implemented Activities