Project Name: Enhancement of Food Security and Resilient Livelihoods Program (EFRLP)
Financier / Supporter / Partner: The project was implemented in partnership with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization “FAO” – Financing the European Union
Implementation period: May – October 2019.
Implementation site: Districts (Sahar – Al-Safra – Saqin) – Saada Governorate
Implemented Activities:
1- Distribution of (250) beehives for (50) families.
2- Distribution of 10 secretions of honey to (50) supported families.
3- Distributing (1050) heads of sheep and goats to (210) families.
4- Distribution of livestock inputs for (210) families.
5- Distributing (120) agricultural gardening tools to (120) families.
6- Distribution of agricultural studies machines to (140) families.
Number of beneficiaries: (3,873) people:
Beneficiaries |
Number of beneficiaries of livestock inputs (distribution of sheep and goats + feed) | The number of beneficiaries of beehives | The number of beneficiaries of gardening tools | The number of beneficiaries of the studies | Total beneficiaries |
families | 102 families | 50 families | 120 families | 140 families | 380 families |
Persons |
Persons 2 013 | Persons 300 | Persons 720 | 840 Persons |
Persons 3,873 |