Emergency aid in the field of WASH to cope with famine



  • Project name : Emergency aid in the field of WASH to cope with famine
  • Implementation period: June – November 2020.
  • Implementation site: Al-Shamiya area in Munabih district – Saada governorate
  • The funder / supporter: The project was implemented in partnership with Oxfam – financing the Yemen Humanitarian Fund (YHF).
  • Implemented Activities:
-1 Rehabilitation of Anjouj and Al-Qataa wells (walls and roofs – in the Alshamya region – Wald Abd sub-district.
-2 Building 3 collector tanks12 m3 capacity per tank.
-3 Establishing 3 water distribution points.
-4 Installing two pumps and two solar energy systems.
5-Extending a water network to distribution points.
-6 Distribution of 720 hygiene kits
-7 Training (9) of awareness male and female volunteers on awareness of health messages and the prevention of cholera and Covid 19
-8 Implementing community awareness activities and how to reduce cholera, diseases and epidemics in the targeted areas
9-Implementing a training workshop to build the capacity of the association’s staff and local community organizations
-10 Implementing a training workshop to build the capacity of community committees to manage and operate projects
  • Number of beneficiaries: 23,721 people


Women Boys Girls

Total number of beneficiaries


 5,343  6,573  7,028
